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School Governance Council

School Governance Councils provide a remarkable opportunity for Connecticut schools to engage with families and community members in a partnership to make our schools centers of excellence that prepare all students for success. Councils are intended to represent the diverse interests of the families, teachers, students and community members that make up the school population.

What is a School Governance Council?

School Governance Councils are an opportunity for Connecticut schools to become centers of excellence that prepare all students for success. They represent the many interests of the families and staff that make up your school’s community. This is important because research has shown that:

  • Partnerships among families, school and community members can make a powerful contribution to greater student success.
  • No matter what their income or background, students with involved families tend to have higher grades and test scores, better attendance, and higher rates of homework completion.

What does the School Governance Council Do?

The School Governance Council serves as an important role to the school administrator by:

  • Bringing together parents, school staff, students and community leaders to work together to improve student achievement;
  • Assisting the school administration in decisions impacting students’ education in areas such as: analyze data and school needs, review the school’s resources and advise the principal in making programmatic and operational changes.

If you are interested in joining Wilson School Governance Council, please contact Mrs. Coelho, interim principal, or Ms. Amy densmore, School Governance Council Chairperson.